Golden Opportunity For Health Care Professionals to Apply For Canada Permanent Residence Visa With Family

Healthcare Occupations in Demand

General Physicians, Surgeons, and Specialist

Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurses Medical Technologists etc.

Requirements and benefits for the Healthcare Occupations category

  • Canada Permanent Residence Visa for family.
  • Can Apply for Canadian Citizenship and Passport.
  • Can Live, Work and Study anywhere in Canada except Quebec
  • Free Schooling for Children until high school.
  • Free Access to Public Health Care coverage
  • Have at least CLB level 7 in English/French Language test.

No Need Canadian Medical License to apply for Canada Immigration.

Interested candidates can contact us at or call/WhatsApp at +971509252121.

Canadian Management Consultants

Canadian Certified Immigration Consultant

Member of CICC#R420519 & CAPIC#R10038

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