Australia is a popular destination for skilled migrants. Skilled Workers people interested in migrating to Australia can be considered for a skilled visa by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) through Skill Select.

Australia Permanent Resident | Canadian Management Consultants
Australia Skilled Visa
Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa
Australia is for points-tested skilled workers who are not sponsored by a nominated by state it allows them to live, work, and study in Australia as a permanent resident. A visa holder can live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.
Benefits of the Australian Skilled Independent Visa 189
- You and your family can live and work anywhere in Australia, which means you do not need a state to sponsor you.
- You and your family can live and work in Australia permanently.
- You can study in Australia.
- You can receive subsidized health care benefits through Medicare.
- You can sponsor other family members for permanent residency.
- You can be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship if you spend 4 consecutive years in Australia.
Australia Immigration: Skilled Points Test System
- Age
- English language proficiency
- Skilled employment experience
- Educational qualifications
- Specialist education qualification
- Australian study requirement
- Study in regional Australia
- Professional Year in Australia
- Credentialed Community language skills
- Spouse/partner skills and qualifications
You must score at least 65 points (the pass mark) on the Points Test to be eligible for this visa
To apply for this visa you must
- Be invited to apply;
- Candidate should be below the age of 45 years when you are invited to apply;
- Nominate an occupation that matches your skills and qualifications and is on the relevant medium and long-term strategic skills list (MLTSSL);
- Have your skills assessed by the relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation;
- Have at least competent English;
- Score at least 65 on the points test to apply for an Expression of Interest.
- Meet the health and character requirements.
Australia Skilled Visa
Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated Visa
This visa allows skilled workers who are nominated by an Australian State to live and work in Australia as permanent residents. A visa holder and his/her family can live and work permanently anywhere in Australia
Benefits of this Visa
- You and your family can live and work permanently in one State in Australia
- You can study in Australia.
- You receive subsidized health care benefits through Medicare.
- You can sponsor other family members for permanent residency.
- You can be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship if you lived for 4 consecutive years in Australia.
Points table for Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
- Age
- English language skills
- Skilled employment experience
- Educational qualifications
- Specialist education qualification
- Australian study requirement
- Professional Year in Australia
- Credentialled community language
- Study in regional Australia
- Partner skills
- Nomination
To apply for this visa you must
- Be invited to apply;
- Be younger than 45 years of age when you are invited to apply;
- Nominate an occupation that matches your skills and qualifications and is on the relevant medium and long-term strategic skills list (MLTSSL) or the short-term skilled occupation list (STSOL);
- Have your skills assessed by the relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation;
- Have at least competent English;
- Score at least 60 on the points test; and
- Your spouse or de facto partner must also be an applicant for this visa and meet age, English, and skill criteria
- had competent English
- had nominated a skilled occupation that is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation
- had a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated skilled occupation, and the assessment wasn’t for a Subclass 485 visa.
- Applicants without a spouse or partner will receive an additional 10 points.
- You were invited to apply for a Subclass 190 (Skilled — Nominated) visa and the nominating State or Territory government agency has not withdrawn the nomination
Condition for this visa
Candidates are selected by States/Territories in Australia to meet the skills shortages in those States/Territories and you are expected to live in your nominated State/Territory for the first two years of your new life in Australia
Australia Skilled Visa
The New Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)
The Skilled Work Regional Visa Subclass 491 is a provisional visa for skilled migrants to live and work in a regional area of Australia through sponsorship from a relative who lives in a Designated Area of Australia.
The Skilled Nominated (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491) is a temporary visa for skilled migrants to live and work in a regional area of Australia through sponsorship by an Australian State or Territory.
- You and your family can live and work in any regional or designated area in Australia for 5 years
- You and your family can apply for a Permanent residence visa If you lived for 2-3 years in Australia.
- After living as a Permanent Residency in Australia, you may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship, if you lived 4 consecutive years in Australia.
- Applicants without a spouse or partner will receive an additional 10 points.
- Have an additional 10 points for Partner skills
- Additional points for 491 visa applicants such as state nomination and Family Sponsorship
- The New 491 visa is valid for 5 years.
To apply for this visa you must
- Be Nominated or Sponsored
- Be younger than 45 years of age when you are invited to apply;
- Nominate an occupation that matches your skills and qualifications and is on the relevant medium and long-term strategic skills list (MLTSSL) or the short-term skilled occupation list (STSOL);
- Have your skills assessed by the relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation;
- Have at least competent English;
- Score at least 65 on the points test or more in Skillselect
- Meet the health and character requirements.
You must score at least 65 points (the pass mark) on the Points Test to be eligible for this visa.
Condition for this visa
Skilled – Nominated (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa holders must live and work in a low population growth metropolitan area
- Having lived in regional Australia for at least three years;
A designated area of Australia in any part of Australia, except Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Gold Coast.
Seeking an Australia Skilled Visa?
Let us guide you through the process and make your dream of working in Australia a reality!